Junior Tennis Programs
Youth Development Tennis Programs (4-week sessions)
June 2 – June 29
July 7 – August 3
Red Ball (4 to 7 years old) 36’ Court
Players will develop agility, Balance and coordination, movement patterns, forehand, backhand, serve, return, volleys, court positions and scoring.
Day and Time:
Tuesday 10am – 11am
Wednesday 4pm - 5pm
Thursday 10am – 11am
Saturday 10am – 11:00am
Fee: $100.00
Red Ball Elite (Placed by Pro) 36” Court
Players will develop court coverage, ability to recognize open space, prepare for Red Ball play and begin transition to Orange Ball Elite.
Day and Time:
TBA (Class can be created)
Orange Ball (8 to 10 years old) 60’ Court
Players will develop agility, dynamic balance, complex coordination, pace, spin and approach shot to volley and overhead patterns.
Day and Time:
Tuesday 11:00am – 12pm
Wednesday 5:00pm – 6pm
Thursday 11:00am – 12pm
Saturday 11:00am – 12pm
Fee: $100.00
Orange Ball Elite (Placed by Pro) 60’Court
Players will develop adaptive shot selection, use of angles and emerging strengths. Players are encouraged to continue in Junior Match Play Series.
Day and Time:
Monday 10:00am – 11:30am
Fee: $150.00
Green Ball Elite (11 Placed by Pro) 78’ Court
Players will develop advance techniques, strategies and footwork patterns necessary for competition. Players are encouraged to continue in Junior Match Play Series.
Day and Time:
Wednesday 10:00am – 12:30pm
Fee: $150.00
Competition (11 to 14 years old) 78” Court
For players new to the game or returning after a hiatus. Groundstrokes, volley, serves, and returns will be introduced. Ability to Rally, keep score, and play in singles and doubles will be a major component.
Day and Time:
Tuesday 12:00pm – 1:30ppm
Thursday 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Fee: $150.00
Academy Prep (1 1+ years old / Placed by Pro) 78” Court
Players will develop the skills needed for competition. Designed for students who can play points out and are learning to incorporate strategy, shot selection, mental strength, tactics, and movement will be covered. Players are encouraged to continue in Junior Match Play Series on Friday’s.
Day and Time:
Monday 12:00pm -1:30pm
Wednesday 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Fee: $150.00
Junior March Play Series
Elite and Academy Levels. Dynamic warm -up, stroke mechanics and focus on team play, competing in singles and doubles environment. Please refer to JMPS schedule on the Out Post Board,
Day and Time:
Friday 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Fee: $20.00